About Sarah A Joy

Sarah A Joy
Ascension Pioneer
I’ve known since I was young that my Soul Purpose is to be a “catalyst for change.” As a young person, I was involved in clubs and causes making change happen, and I often gave guidance and encouragement for friends to move towards their heart’s desires. As an adult, I created ways to support the health and wellbeing of people and the environment at the companies I worked for…an in-house Employee Wellness Program or recycling program for example.
The Ascension Pioneer journey begins …
In 2002, I became a Seeker after experiencing a spontaneous kundalini awakening which interestingly corresponds to when 3D Earth began receiving Ascension codes. In 2009 I came across SVH, and my higher consciousness and soul took to it like a fish to water! Feeling compelled to move through all the levels of SVH, I eventually met my Soul Family in AMSE, where we (like many others) play our role in The Creator’s Grand Plan of ascension and evolution for Gaia and humanity.
My natural gifts to sense energy and all the “Clairs” really blossomed practicing SVH. I can “tune into” the ideal thriving version of what’s desired, as it already exists in the non-physical. There’s a matching “resonance” (vibrational frequency) when the universe provides people/places/situations to follow through on to lead you and create what is desired. Similarly when I work with people in a Private Session, I “see” the “resonance” of their highest good and the creation energy leading to it, as well as the beliefs and patterns that are not a match (and creating a different reality). So I use SVH to clear and align them towards their highest good.
As a Master Practitioner and Teacher of SVH, and Rev. Eminence of Serenity Ministries, I have been passionately doing this work for 12 years and certifying practitioners for 10yrs. My colleagues call me “the big guns” as I have a record of teaching future SVH teachers, healing professionals, and proficient SVH practitioners; as well as providing profound clarity and lasting change for folks in private sessions. Click here to read Testimonials
I continue to passionately evolve myself, practicing the principles of non-duality now as I live fully in 6D. Mastery is a continual stream of learning and expansion of more…light quotient, quieter mind, sovereignty (less reactivity), and clarity to consciously create with constructive thoughts. Through increasing my light quotient and assisting others to do the same amplifies the energy on the planet … which offers more support and grace for all to evolve in their own unique way and timing.
As an Ascension Pioneer I continue to be a “catalyst for change.” ❤️