THE Courses
SERENITY Vibration and Healing® and Enlightenment technique (SVH) is the Premier enlightenment tool of our time. Since 2002, Gaia has been evolving into higher dimensions, leaving 3D in 2009, and is currently in 5 & 6D energies.
SVH courses are a gift from the Creator to literally stair-step humanity, those who are choosing it, through the Ascension process. Creator implements all reprogramming for the highest level of integrity, grace, and harmony for all involved. Learning SVH is fun and as easy as saying a prayer or intention.
"The goal of every master is to achieve a state of serenity and sovereignty. Quieting the mind and creating a peaceful life filled with passion and joy is the reward." ~Jill Marie
SVH uses Quantum Level Reprogramming to clear Random Inner Dialogue thus removing limiting or resistant beliefs and programs replacing them with supportive and positive ones aligned with your Master Expansion.
Your light quotient will significantly increase just by experiencing all that SVH L1 has to offer. Each course then systematically builds upon the last to further develop that light quotient resulting in more serenity and sovereignty.

SVH Level 1 is the Foundation.
…awaken to your ability to consciously choose & create your reality.
Receive the premiere enlightenment tool of our lifetime.
Learn how Quantum Level Reprogramming (QLR) clears Random Inner Dialogue (RID) from subconscious & conscious minds, group consciousness, and genetics to create a quieter mind.
94 Processes designed for physical support, shielding, clearing, and enlightenment to increase your light quotient.
Foundational instruction on conscious awareness and law of creation.
SVH L1 Practitioner Certification to work with others. Share the benefits of SVH with loved ones and clients.
Includes: 12 hrs live Tele-class, SVH L1 manual, and Practitioner Certification.​

SVH Level 1 Mastery is Amplification.
…the next steps to significantly increase your light quotient faster and easier.
Sacred Healing Radiance (SHR). Direct sentient streams of Divine Light dedicated for healing and balance to the physical and energy bodies.
Amplify the power of QLR clearing exponentially more RID, programs, and beliefs of limitation & suppression connected to 3D. Thus enhancing clarity & focus to choose and create your desired reality.
51 Processes designed for physical support, clearing, manifestation, and enlightenment.
Learn to move through time & dimensions to speed up the effects of clearing, healing, and manifestation. Boosting your light quotient dramatically.
Interactive Guided Visualization Journeys. Designed for you and others, to reformat embedded programming around common themes we all share.
Prerequisite: SVH L1
Includes: 12 hrs live Tele-class, SVH L1M manual, and Practitioner Certification.​

SVH Animal Healing is a World Mission of Love.
…healing the animals rises the vibration of Gaia, which supports us all.
Learn about the sentience, Soul variations, and roles of animals on Earth.
Establish (or enhance) a Heart Bond to communicate with animals.
61 Processes to work with and heal all animals. Assist animals to feel safe, secure and loved. Offer physical healings and interventions on a global scale. Heal traumas. Natural disaster healings and intervention.
Learn how animals heal the planet. Support and amplify their efforts with SVH.
Earth’s Guardians: Dolphins & Whales. Receive gifts to expand your own conscious awareness and healing (physical, emotional, and energy bodies).
Prerequisite: SVH L1.
Includes: 6 hrs live Tele-class, SVH L1 Animal Healing manual, and Practitioner Certification.

SVH Level 2 is The Gateway to Master Expansion.
…activate sacred pathways, to stimulate exponential expansion, propelling you to the realization of your divine purpose.
Comprehensive Soul Line Clearing through multiple dimensions and timelines.
96 Processes for Manifestation, Clearing, Shielding, Enlightenment, Mastery, Transformational Re-scripting, and Brain Expansions. Physical body cleansing & healing.
Learn how to Anchor your Consciousness to Multiple Realities.
11 Interactive Guided Visualization Journeys and Exercises.
Prerequisite: SVH L1M
Includes: 12 hrs live Tele-class, SVH L2 manual, and Practitioner Certification.​

SVH Levels 2 Mastery - 4 Mastery are all taught exclusively by Jill Marie, Founder of SVH and Serenity Ministries.
…expand to 36 levels of consciousness (from 4!) and discover The Space Between Time, worm holes, multi-verse libraries, and SO MUCH MORE!
*SVH Level 2 is the prerequisite for both SVH L2M and L3 courses.