What Is Ascension?
Ascension means evolving to higher states of consciousness awareness and mastery over one’s life. Since 2002, enough people were ready to evolve that Gaia herself began moving to higher states of energy which brought everyone with her into higher dimensional frequencies. As an analogy, a pot of water on the stove will boil when the heat is turned up (i.e. more energy added). Only it’s pure creation energy, unconditional love & light, that continues to pour into Gaia.
Currently 5 & 6 Dimensional* frequencies are available, and as of 2022, they no longer effect each other thus honoring the free will choice of all people. Seekers can continue to evolve and increase their light quotient, whereas this additional energy will not “evolve beyond their readiness” for others.
There’s more energy on the planet than ever before in history, so there’s more support and momentum making personal transformation and awakening easier and swifter than ever before.
Mastery is the stream of learning and transformation towards a quiet and clear mind.
"Imagine a sales person pressuring you to buy using fear tactics, and you feel no response, only peace and then realize you don’t want the product and leave. At the same time completely accepting the sales person and situation without any judgements."
This is one example of sovereignty and mastery in motion.
To attain this level of mastery you need tools and guidance. No one would attempt to climb Mt. Everest without taking gear and learning from those who’ve done it already.
The Creator gifted Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique specifically for the Ascent of Mastery,
and I have been doing it passionately for 12 yrs and teaching others for 10yrs.
Each Soul’s evolution is as unique as a snowflake. If you are curious about or resonate with what is presented here, please click the button below to contact me for a Free Consultaion to discover if SVH is in divine timing and alignment with your evolutionary path.
Interested in a Soul Alignment Session featuring SVH? Experience the power of SVH by working with me to elevate any area of your life such as health, relationships & intimacy, or business & finance. Click here for more information or to book a session.
(*Dimensions are used as a measurement to compare different states of energy or “vibrational frequency.”)